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Intro to MPACT

Mark McBride with MPACT trailer.

MPACT Missions was founded by Mark McBride in 1997. It started with 2 youth leaders who wanted to make mission trips more affordable and closer to home. The first MPACT was held in Georgetown, TX, and has now traveled to over 20 communities throughout Texas. The goal of MPACT has always been to show the love of Christ to others, wherever we travel.

MPACT group at worship

Who we are


MPACT Missions is an interdenominational mission trip that travels to a different town in Texas each year. It is 100% Volunteer ran from the board of directors to the students and youth pastors that attend. Youth groups from across the state of Texas and various denominations come together every year to help individuals in need.

If you are interested in joining us for MPACT click here.

Students working on a ramp

What we do


MPACT Missions' goal is to show the love of Christ by providing free/low cost services to people in need in communities throughout Texas. Our participants are broken into teams and are assigned a variety of projects including painting homes, cleaning up trash, mowing yards, trimming trees, building ramps, etc. We are able to provide our services for free because of the fee participants pay and through generous donations.


If you are interested in making a donation to MPACT click here

Students in van

Where we will go


MPACT will travel anywhere in the state of Texas that is able to host us. Hosting MPACT requires the host to provide:

- places where we can worship, eat, shower, and sleep

- 15 meals for participants

- 40-80 projects


For more information on hosting MPACT click here

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